The following steps are necessary to transfer the USB firmware:
Disconnect the Calliope mini from the power supply!
While plugging in the USB cable, press and hold the reset button.
Now the Calliope mini registers as a drive under the name “MAINTENANCE”.
The USB firmware file is copied to this drive.
Depending on the Calliope mini version, the USB firmware differs because it has different properties and supports different processors. The version number can be found on the back of the Calliope mini, next to the USB connector.
The Calliope mini Version 2.1 has a modified USB firmware file (including the 25 programs on the FLASH drive). This can only be loaded as a .ZIP file. Please unzip the zip before copying. The file format is then UF2. This file also integrates all programs from the flash drive. For this reason, a copy takes around two minutes. During this time, do not disconnect the Calliope mini from the computer.
The name here is not "MAINTENANCE", but "RP2040", the procedure is otherwise identical.
With MakeCode you can get the most out of the Calliope mini V3! Additionally, programming can be done using the Calliope Python Editor or the Arduino IDE. We look forward to supporting additional programming environments in the coming months.
Yes, but currently only to a limited extent.
No, not currently. The Open Roberta Lab team at the Fraunhofer Institute IAIS is working on the implementation of the Calliope mini V3. For current information, please contact
No, this is not currently possible, we are working on a new playground for the Calliope mini 3.
Yes, the Calliope mini 3 can be programmed with both the iOS Calliope mini app and the Android Calliope mini app. IMPORTANT! Note the hardware selection of the programs in MakeCode before transferring.
No update is required for programming in the browser
For programming with a mobile device via Bluetooth, we recommend loading the Calliope mini with the appropriate start program in advance.
The programs are compiled differently.
A hex file that was created in an older MakeCode version cannot be transferred to the Calliope mini without being played again.
Replay a hex file that was created in an older MakeCode version for the Calliope mini:
Open hex file in MakeCode
Select the Calliope mini 3 via hardware selection “...”
Redownload the program.
Now the hex file can be transferred to the Calliope mini.
Teaching material
MakeCode materials do not need to be customized.
The only step that has been added here is the hardware selection.
We offer support for converting the Open Roberta Lab materials to MakeCode. Contact: Subject: Teaching material
Students must select hardware before transferring the program. This step can
... run at the beginning when creating a new program.
... can be done at any time using the “...” next to the “Download” button.
Otherwise there is nothing to consider!
Motor driver/pin header
Yes, there are now two. This means that two motors can be used, which can be controlled completely independently of each other.
Yes, this is no longer a problem.
The motor driver can be used with a maximum of 9V battery. Please check the correct pins before connecting power to the motors.
Yes, from the end of January 2024 there will be expansion kits available in the Calliope online shop.
We recommend the following procedure:
Open hex file in MakeCode
Select hardware
Optimize project settings:
• Open project settings
• Edit text form
• Delete Yotta section
If necessary, remove the radio extension
• Switch to JavaScript view
• Open Explorer under the simulator
• Delete the radio extension via the trash can
5. Switch back to the block view
Yes, old programs must be reloaded from MakeCode before being transferred to the Calliope mini 3
Open hex file in MakeCode
Select the Calliope mini 3 via hardware selection “...”
Redownload the program.
Now the hex file can be transferred to the Calliope mini.
A new program can be transferred from a computer at any time via USB.
When transferring via Bluetooth, the Calliope mini must be loaded once again with the appropriate start program via USB from a computer in order to enable another transfer via Bluetooth.
There are now two fast Nordic processors on the new Calliope mini: the application processor nRF52833 for executing the programs and the interface processor nRF52820 for USB-C communication.
Application Processor: nRF51822
Runs programs and is connected to all components of the Calliope mini
Interface processor: Raspberry PI RP2040 or NXP MKL26Z
Receives the program via USB and loads it onto the application processor
establishes a serial connection to the application processor.
It's the Nordic nRF51822, an ARM Cortex M0 processor with 16KB RAM and 256KB flash memory. The NXP MKL26Z is also used; it is required as an interface processor for the USB port and ensures that the Calliope mini can be programmed via the browser.
The Calliope mini may not be able to execute code. In this case, a sad face appears on the LED matrix, followed by an error number.
This number is an error code. Different numbers have different meanings and can help with troubleshooting.
Board system error
The Calliope mini system errors are between 01 and 99. 10 The internal I2C bus is not working 20 There is no free memory on the Calliope mini 30 A problem in the heap area 40 There was a NULL dereference, the Calliope mini was trying to manage an invalid object pointer 42 There is an error condition in the Calliope mini system software 43 The Calliope mini cannot activate the radio 50 An error occurred with the Calliope mini acceleration component 51 An error occurred in the magnetometer component of the Calliope mini 90 Current board hardware does not match the configuration description
Memory error
Memory error codes range from 800 - 909.
Garbage Collector Error 840 Assignment pointer is null or invalid 841 Garbage collection queue error 843 VTable entry is not free 844 GC allocation failed for requested number of bytes 846 Invalid allocation thread 848 Grant pointer beyond the grant header 849 Assignment pointer is null
Program access error 901 The Type header of the object is not valid 902 The data portion of the object is larger than its specified length 903 The object reference has been deleted and the object is no longer valid 904 The object size does not match the size defined for the Type 905 A vtable object is invalid or not initialized 906 An internal resource error 907 The specified device resource does not exist 909 The value of the argument is out of range or the type or format is invalid
JavaScript runtime error
Invalid cast codes
If the static type of x is a class C, but the dynamic type of x is not C, and you try to access a field of x or call a method of x, depending on the dynamic type of x, you will get one of the following codes. 980 If the value of x is undefined 981 If the value of x is true or false 982 If x is a number 983 If x is a string 984 If x is an object of a specific type 985 If x is a function 989 If x is zero
In this case, the USB firmware must be reloaded onto the Calliope mini.
You can find the USB firmware on this page at DOWNLOADS .
The Calliope mini has two processors, the application processor executes the programmed scripts and the other, the so-called interface processor, logs on to the computer as the "MINI" drive and ensures the data transfer from the computer to the application processor (and back).
Calliope was a daughter of Zeus and is considered the “tablet muse” among computer scientists, i.e. an early harbinger of digital educational ideals.
There are many opportunities. The easiest way is to contact us Contact. For technically experienced users there is here a GitHub repository with lots of information about the Calliope mini. You are also welcome to help make the Calliope mini even better!
Examples and applications from users can already be found on
An exchange takes place in our Forum.