Quizz Buzzer with Calliope mini

Quizz Buzzer with Calliope mini

Which question is right or wrong? Decide with your mini by pressing button A or B.


30 mins

from 8 years on


The idea
The teacher asks yes-no quiz questions. By pressing button A or B the kids / students can pick their answer.

Important: Check beforehand which version of the Mini you have so that you choose the right editor. For Calliope Mini v. 1.0 use the following editor: https://mini.pxt.io/

The code looks like this:

The programming block "Delete screen contents" is used to delete the display after it has been displayed.

And this is what the code looks like in the NEPO editor:

Have fun guessing!

This text as well as the image is published under a CC BY-SA 3.0 DE license. It was originally published in German by Daniel Havlik and translated into English by the Calliope team.

You can find the finished file below.

The program can be opened directly with the MakeCode editor.
