Calliope mini Blocks (Scratch)

Programming the Calliope mini with Scratch

Developer/provider:Calliope, Scratch Foundation,
Application type: Web application, iOS app
Operating system:Windows, Mac, Linux or Chromebook computer
Calliope mini version:V2, V3
Account required:No
Offline usable:Yes, once loaded, can also be used offline

The new Calliope mini Blocks Editor based on Scratch enables further intuitive programming of the Calliope mini. From now on, applications on the computer can be controlled with the Calliope mini and vice versa: your own pictures, your own sounds and endless new possibilities. There are no limits to creativity.
Prepare, connect and get started!

Start editor

First steps


To get the Calliope mini ready for Scratch programming with the Calliope mini Blocks editor, you need to transfer a start program.
Download the Blocks.hex file and transfer it to the Calliope mini.

A 5-digit name appears on the LED matrix. You can use this name to select your Calliope mini in the Calliope mini Blocks Editor.


Open Calliope mini Blocks

Open the editor Calliope mini Blocks and establish the connection to your Calliope mini. Start the connection setup in the Calliope mini section by clicking on the ! .

A browser that supports Web Bluetooth is required, e.g. Chrome.

Calliope mini Blocks


Select your 5-digit name in the connection window and confirm the selection with Pair.
Close the window via Go to editor. Instead of the red exclamation mark, you will see a green tick. The Calliope mini is connected. Now you can get started!


First steps: Connect Calliope mini

First steps: Connect Calliope mini (iPad)

First steps with the iPad


Prepare your Calliope mini so that you can program it with Scratch. You will also need the Calliope mini app. Open the Calliope mini app on your iPad and connect your Calliope.

Transfer the Scratch start program from the Calliope mini app to your Calliope mini. Select the Calliope mini Blocks Editor under "Editors and Programs ".

A 5-digit name appears on the LED matrix.

Open Calliope mini Blocks

Open the Calliope mini Blocks app and establish the connection to your Calliope mini. Start the connection setup in the Calliope mini section by clicking on the ! .


Select your 5-digit name in the connection window and confirm the selection with Pair.
Close the window via Go to editor. Instead of the red exclamation mark, you will see a green tick. The Calliope mini is connected. Now you can get started!