Programming with the Arduino-IDE

Developer/Provider:Calliope (adaptation for the Calliope mini), Open Source development by Arduino, board extension by Sandeep Mistry with many other community members
Application Type:Application
Operating System:Windows, Mac, or Linux computers
Calliope mini Version:V3 (V2, V1 see FAQ)
Account Required:No
Usable Offline:Yes

Since the Arduino development environment has been available for a long time and offers an easy entry into text-based programming of microcontrollers, it enjoys great popularity worldwide. For those who want to program the Calliope mini 3, the "board extension" has now been updated. This allows sketches to be transferred to the Calliope mini. Just download and install!

Download Arduino IDE

Integrate Calliope mini

Prepare Board Management

To program the Calliope mini with the Arduino IDE, an extension is required.
Add the following URL under Arduino IDE - Preferences as an "Additional Board Manager URL":

Copy Link

The language can be selected under Preferences.

Add Board Package

  1. Open Board Management under Tools-Board.
  2. By entering "Calliope" in the search, the extension "Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 Boards" appears.
  3. Install the extension. This can take up to a minute.

Add Library

  1. Open the Library Manager under Tools-Libraries manage.
  2. By entering "Calliope" in the search, the library "Calliope Arduino Library" appears.
  3. Install the library.

Note: When prompted to install library dependencies, choose "install all".

Connect Calliope mini

If the Calliope mini V3 is connected to your computer via USB, a direct sketch upload is possible.

  1. Go to "Select Board"
  2. Open the selection with "Select a different board and port..."
  3. Select Calliope mini V3 as the board.

The Calliope mini V3 appears as the selected hardware in your window, and you can now program it directly.

Example Programs

Via File-Examples-Calliope Arduino Library the program "miniV3example" can be loaded.

The example program for the Calliope mini lights up the 3 RGB LEDs, displays various symbols on the LED matrix, responds to button presses with changed RGB LEDs, and activates the motors. Additionally, information is sent via the serial interface and the measured volume is displayed as a number between 0 and 10.

Programming Concepts

Block-based ProgrammingNo
Text-based ProgrammingC++
Events (event-based programming)No
Loops: While / For / ForeachYes / Yes / Yes
Functions / with Parameters / with Return ValueYes / Yes / Yes
Serial CommunicationYes
Sensors/Actuators ExtensionsYes, they can be imported as external libraries